Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

1 1 GURRENT CURIOS. Indians believe that mirages are crused by evil spirits. The correct Indical name for the is A The in Minnesota was built in. 1821, at the Falls of St. Anthony.

Now there are 330 mills, 17,472 men. The largest sharks ever seen on the Pacific Const was recently caught at Monterey, Cal. It is forty feet in length, and weighs several thousand pounds Oticials of the Smithsonian Institution lave discovered erfdences which lead to believe that the mound builders were the progenitors of the modern Some cigar makers molsten the ends of wrapper. cigars ndhere. It is asserted that with saliva, to make the diseasedls thus spread.

especially the germ of consumption. The home of the Hebrews Wag about the size of New Hampshire, that of the Greeks was not as large AS Maine, and that of the Romans was smaller, than Montana. The American Bible Society no longer supplies Bibles to hotels, as has been the custom The gift seemed to be' little appreciated, and the volumes were defaced and neglected. They have a now evangelist in 1altimore. He was formerly drummer, and, oddly enough, his name is Fife.

lIe ought to be able to make a noise in the, word, remarks the Christian Register. The skull of man who has died from, delirium tremens contains an alcoholic gas. A small opening in the skull, soon after. death, permits this to escape, it can be ignited, I and burns with. bluish flame The type setting machine responsible for good many startling state ments.

When one reads that wealth "John Blank, while IL of was nevertheless a hyxmonsetl man, one feels that though it may be perfectly true, it, ouglit not to Do said, under the circ*mstances. The following, if not true Well founded, says the London Globe. A French priest, who was passionately addicted to card playing is said by a writer. in the Paris Temps to have remarked, Instead of Lord, who boldest in Thy who bapd; hold- the hearts of kings Lord. est in Thy hand the king of A late scientific authority states that by saturating a ballet with vaseline, its dicht may be.

easily followed with the eve from the time it leaves muzzle of the rite until it strikes the target The course of the Aight marked by a beautiful ring of smoke, caused by the vaseline being ignited on leaving the muzzle of the gun. This smoke ring will remain suspenled in the air for some, little time after the bullet strikes, the day is not too windy. JEDGE WAXEM'S PROVERBS. Taxes is nessesary evils. The money power is mity ni a majority all the time.

What a statesman don't kno is sometime truth knoin Erry now and then Goddess ur Liberty wonders what she is hero fer. Thars mity -little uv the purity in polliticks that don't need A party platform has got to be something moren a campane dockermental Mity fiew candidates kno what they cant do till they hav tride it two er three times. gittin 80 that letislashun is mity ni Politicks a ain't lejislashun, but Ita all polliticks. Ther ain't no Way ur telling how many -votes than to a gallon licker tell the jugs c*nty. The inore parliamentary rules! A Congressman knos the less likely he is to tend to the bizuns he was lected.

It takes. a good menny shocks nv fodder and -sum purt. hi haystacks to make a statesman as a statesman. Taint thery the peepel wants in money its condishuns thats waronted not to swag down In the middle. Er the American eagel cood tawk, he'd In likely to git mity ni perfano when he seen how sum things goin on.

A statesman's hart may be in the right place, but his mouth gits alinity fer away frum hodquarters evry 110 and then, Becus a farmer has to fasten his galluses with a nale he has an ideo that ho kin help himself gitting into politicks. A man kin be a politician, and he kin be honest, but he hain't got no time to spair ct he trize to be both at the same time. When a man. wants to go into pollticks. he ain't ast ef heze pattriot, but how much money he kin put up fer campane lot perposes.

good hoss sense goin Thars uv to waste In the halls uv congress because thar aint enny boddy around that seems to kno how ruse'it. The country wood be full UV monuments hiern church steuples ef evry atatesman had n8 big tt one as ho thinks he ought Free P'resa; The diferents betwen pile ny congresman's a year old and bale uv bay uv the same age Is that the bale uv har has got sum nourishwent in It. TOOTS FROM THE RAM'S HORN. The same opportunity never knocks at 'any door twice. The man who will say a mean thing will sooner or later do one.

The man who goos to school to him mistakes will have good teacher. To be contented with what we lavo, is about the same ay to own the earth. If you know what laws have to be to restrain, man you know' the man. As ROOD 114 some people got a little money prove by the way they use' It that they shouldn't have it. No one can got 0111 of life more than' hey puts in, and what he loves will Mix Bre'w work.

True riches do not, in things tho world can elve, but in those. 4t caunot take from 1. The Track Is Clear This is the day when we start. ibe ball a rolling, and commence cur CLEARANCE SALE On our Entire Stock of Which has no superior in this section of the state. Also our GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Second to Season well advanced, 'and no empty shelves visible.

will sell every dollars' worth of CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS from 20 to 40 per cent. lower than any of our worthy competitors. A great chance for every one to save a handsome amount in purchasing at the GOLDEN EAGLE. Stock must be reduced. Prices lower than the lowest.

Variety great, and styles the latest. If you try us we can easily convince you of the correctness regarding our assertion. A 1 Apron Overalls 300 dozen A 1 10c. Socks 2350. a pair, worth, 50c: Golden, Eagle 50.

a pair. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FISA LELAND DITS A HUMMER FOR BUILDING -Treasurer's office, Marion Branch National Home for DAT. 8., Mariod, Indiana, June 20th, Sealed proposale in DUPLICATE, subject to the naua! conditions, will -be receired at this ottice until 2 o'clock on Saturday June 30t br, 1804, for oue brick morgue.Blank proposals and full particulars as to the manner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders, terms of contract and payment will be fornished on application. Plana and speciAcattonscan be examined at treasurer's office Envelopes containing proposals must be marked "Proposals for Bullding Morgue" and addressed to the undersigned O. Treasurer.

Approved: JUSTIN IL. CRAPMAN, Governor. June GRAVEL ROAD BONUS County Treasurer will Issue $20,000 tho First of July, County Treasurer Heal will offer for salo- about the. first of the coming month twenty thousand dollars worth of county gravel road bonds. The bonds will be of $500 each, and be divided into seven series and run from two to cight years, drawing 6 per cent.

interest. The bonds are issued on the following gravel roads, the amount following representing the amount of bonds issued on each road: Herbst Range Line Valley Avenue 6,500 Rigdon, 7,500 Rhea. 2,500 Total: All bond buying institutions have been notified to present at that time if they desire to bid for them. BITE WAS AFTER HIM. Clay Cooper Brought Front Jalapa 10.

Answer Paternity Charges. Constable Wallet journeyed to Jalapa Tuesday afternoon and tools Clay Cooper -from the corn field and brought him to Marion to answer tho Styles from near Jonesboro, He was paternity, charges of one Christina all knocked out, and, after sleeping in jail Tuesday night, very willingly settled the didiculty by agreeing to marry the girl. This he did. 'Squire Holman performing the ceremony in his office yesterday. afternoon.

Dream Parade. Company Fourth Regiment, accompanied by the Fourth Regiment band, marched to the shooting grounds east of the city last evening and had guard mounting and dress parade. A large number of people in carriages and on foot followed the boys to the grounds and witnessed their military movements. The company will drill there next Friday evening. Rand Concert Tonight.

Following is the program for The concert at the Home tonight. Concert begins at 7:30: March and Dance Bchool Snow Overture--Morning, Noon and Waldtenfel Verdi Medley- Up to Witt Finale -Star Spangled Banner. Tho 011 Well. The oil well on the Willson place southeast of Van Buren has not proved a howling succesa. Oil was struck on Saturday, and on Monday was "shot" without any appreciable increase.

The well will be drilled lower into the second strata of sand. If you want coffee liko mother used mako try Custor's fresh roasted m14dtf From Thursday morning until Friday noon Mrs. Brouse will be at Mre. Tansy's millinery parlors prepared to do everything in the line of Dressing. Spocial prices on this occasion.

Also a complete line. of Complexion Goode. j18dt4 Notice of cotion. Members Queen City Council No. 2, Daughters of Liberty, are hereby notifled that an election of two trustees and -other tribal oflicers for ensuing term will bo held June 20th.

ROMA WILLIAMD, 116dtd Fresh roasted coffco at Custers Special: Opportunity in Dressing, CLEARANCE SALE. The New York Store East Side' Square. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Carpets, Wash Goods, 4 Draperies, AT CUT PRICES FOR THIRTY DAYS. Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Laces. Umbrellas.

The best assortment, at lower prices than any other house. NEW YORK STORE, East Side Square. E. N. MORRILL D.


FOUR WOULD BE GOVERNORS. Four gubernatorial candidates at present are General Lasting, Repnblican, in Pennsylvania; E. N. Morrill, Republican, in Kansas; W. C.

Oates, Democrat, and Reuben Kolb, Populist, in Alabama THE GOSSIP. Miss Era La Belle of Anderson- is in Marion attending the of her grandfather. Mrs. D. Wigger of Union City returned home yesterday, after a few days' visit with son, Harmon, on West Fifth street.

Will Hutchins Not Kokomo spent yesterday here with a brother. Mrs. Weet and daughter, Miss Winnie, of Kokomo were here yesterday visiting with friends on Boots street. Orange R. Holman and liarve Creviston went to Warsaw today as a committee from the county agricultural society to arrange for the appearance here during the fair of a balloonist.

Mr. and Mrs. Price of Kokomo were in Marion yesterday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rigdon.

Mrs. Price was formerly Miss Lyda Larrick of this city. Pi Miss Carrie Littler is cuerking at Gonder Bros. Misses Pearl Carter and Mame Woods of Kokomo were here last night, the guests of Miss Goldie Anderson. Ed.

Mahaffey went to Warsaw today. L. M. Millius and George D. Custer came in on Tuesday night from Noblesville, where they left the Burton circus.

Dr. E. P. Jones and wife came in last night from Decatur, where they spent the day. Charles McVicker and daughter of Chicago are visiting with the family of J.

C. Whisler. Otto McKinstry came over yesterday from Bluffton. l'eter La Belle and family were here today from Anderson. Mrs.

Asa Baldwin and Mrs. David Or Overman came home last night from Wabash after a short stay. Mrs. E. 13.

Osborn of Indianapolis 15 the guest of All Osborn and family. M. B. Leavitt, took the third in Masonry last night. Mrs.

Martha Loughridge of Michaels went to Lancaster, Huntington county, today for visit with relatires. Misses Jean llarter of Huntington and Hazel aud Harter of Wabash will arrive in Merton tomorrow to attend the reception of the Amateur Musical Club and visit Mrs. James Miss Jean will play at the musical convention in Ft. Wayne next week, and Miss Hazel will go from Ma-1 rion to attend the Chicago University summer session. Wilber Williams will go to Anderson on Monday.

H. Porter, general roadmaster, and P. A. Hahn, dirision roadmaster of the Clover Leaf, were in Marion this morning looking after a switch crossing at the Big Four depot. George Gunder and wife and W.

D. Tibbits and wife will drive to Wabash tomorrow for the racing. matinee at the Wabash county fair grounds. Mrs. Will Hosper.

of Logansport went home this morning. after a short visit with Mrs. Chester Keen. Miss Mamie Wallace leaves tomorrow for a visit at Camden, Ind. Before her return she will call on friends at Logansport and Wabash.

W. C. Bayne of the Rose Hill dairy, who has. been suffering from a severe illness during the past week, is re: ported to be resting easier today, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles F. Neal and daughter, Mary, left this morning for Martinsville, where they will spend a week or ten days at the Sanitarium. Mrs. Samuel Rosenfeld came home today. from Plymouth, after visit of three weeks.

Ex-Gov. Will Camback of Greensburg was in Marion today on his way to Warren. He is president of the Indiana Writers' Association, which holds its convention at Warsaw next week. Mrs. J.

L. Dodd of Indianapolis the guest of Mrs. W. B. Dodds on South Adams street.

John W. Pittenger of Upland was Marion this morning. Attorney Grossbecir.of Indianapolis was in Marion this morning. DRATII OF JOIN EVANS, Superintendent of the Thomas Evans Glass Works. John Evans, superintendent of the Thomas Evans factory at this place, died this morning in Pittsburg.

Mr. Eyaus came to Marion only a few weeks ago, and had not been ing well for some time, lIe left Marion on Tuesday and died at his home. lie was older than bis brother Thomas. The factory was shut down today in respect to his wemory. This is the longest day of the year.

Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fair. DA PRICE'S 4. Powder. The only Pare Cream or tartar Powder. -No Ammonia; No Alum.

Used in Millions of Hordes -Ar. Years the Standard, 4 will Purclinso New Pumps, The water works board just at presis very busy. They are considerthe necessity of purchasing a new pump for the works in this city. -Their recent to Logansport has conArmed them in the idea that a larger pump la necessary, and advertisem*nts will soon be inserted asking for bids a four million gallon putap. The kind they intend purchasing will be a monster affair, sud it is expected will last.

Marion for some time, and give suficient power for all her The. pump at Logansport, which they are thinking of duplicating, is eighteen feet long, ten feet wide and six feet high. It will be placed in the east room of the water works. In speaking of the water works tem this morning Charles Hamilton, of the board, said that the plant could be sold any day for $200,000. There is an outstanding debt of something like $20,000, and it costs about $3,000 a year to run the plant.

The water works board is on a cash basis and wants to keep there. The water works: last year levied a tax of 19 cents on every $100 in the city, which was only ones fourth of the total city levy. The board has nearly enough money to purchase the pump and put it in po: sition, and they want to make arrangements to pay for it without issuing bonds. The Conversation Club will hold a farewell meeting at the home of Mrs. Denny on Wednesday afternoon of next: week.

The gentlemen will be invited to drop in to a 6 o'clock dinner. Eleven hundred excursionists left Bluffton this -morning on an excursion to Toledo. Cheap excursion to Toledo On Sunday next 24tt inst. the rate, to "Toledo and return by No. at 4:09 me and leaving Toledo at: 5:25 p.m.

will be $2.00, G. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Vegetarians claim that hair grows less luxuriantly on the heads of meat caters. Constable's landscape, White Horse, was sold recently at Chris tie's rooms, in London, for £6,510 550) Trot Andrew S. Draper, of Clever land, has the presidency of the University of Illinols, at Champalgn. Miss Ore Schreiner, since mar ringe, has become, It seems, simply Olive Schreiner.

Her husband, sharing his wife's advanced and progreesive views, has added her name to his and become Mr. Cronwright Schreiner. "fa*gging" has become entirely obsoloto at Eton. Thirty rears ngo It was carried: with great brutality. story of "Tom Brown at Rugby' has, it is said, done more to kiH the old system in English colleges than any other agency, The South Park Commissioners in Obicago hare decided to turn Midway P'laissnce into a canal 100 feet wide, with walks and lawns upon each side.

The Illinois Contral railroad declares that ft will never allow the canal to pass under its tracks, and legal contest la probable. The raro instance of the coming of age of trio of triplets was celebrated recently at Whitenast, near Lemmington, England. Generally, in: case of triplets, the children die soon after birth, but occasionally they survire and reach maturity: One case 1s on record of quadruplets, all of whom were reared. The King of: -Italy has conferred upon Prof. Virchow, the famous Gernan surgeon, the grand cross of the Order of St.

Maurice and Lazarus. Prof. Virchow la one of those men Tho seein to have time for everything. Io is a university professor, an editor, a contributor to numerous journals, a politician, and finds opportunity to attend the metings of scores of 80- cieties to which lie belongs. -New York Tribune.

A subatitution of camels AS workanimals for horses and oxen has been going on for a fow years past in provinces of Russia, and they are now common on many largo estates and on smaller properties. They perform all the work in farming for which horses and oxen are used, as well as being, efficient in trausportation. market has grown up at Orenburg, and the animals bring 'sixty or seventy roubles, or about $85, 'delivered at Kiev. The ex-Empress Eugeule has been engaged on her memoirs for nra ny rears. Ag soon as a page is written it 1s placed under lock and koy, friende and not ever see even it.

her The mont intimation be published until twenty-fire Fears after her death. The ex-Empress uses 1 in writing a penholder which 18 orna- used monted with diamonds. 'It was by the fourteen representatives in signing the treaty of the pence of Paris in 1856, and WAS given to the ex-Empres as a momento. -New York Tribune. An relic in the.

custody of Miss Ball, a relative of Gen. WashIngton, Mring at the Louise Home, 18 tho painting of a little girl holding in bor arms a kitten. The picture is said by connolaseurs to be very tine, and 13 the work of Joseph Hopkinson, author of "Tall Columbia," and, the SOn of Hopkinson, one of tho agnera of the Declaration of Independence. This the grandof the writer Franas Hopkinson Smith, and it probally from him thint the nuthor of "On. Carter, of Inherited his artistic Bazar.

Youthful Prize Fighters. Two prize fighters. winn their fathers us harvo Ari rested and wavily. d. My father adopted another plan.

When got. into 4. Was Might all end but whipped 1110 other 410 boy ma'my father rave we unother thrashing. FOR SALE. TOR SALE A SPLENDID HIGH GRADE pneumatic lady's wheel, fine condition, or will exchange for a horse.

Address P. O. Box 2, Marion TOOK BALE- as A Call at KRAUKAUR 4C9 West BROS, Fifth PIANO, street good new: 119d FORGER cow. TWO NOWERS, GEO. W.

OR STEELE. WILE NOR harness BALE and OR two TRADE horses. -NEW WAGON, 110d6t A GEO. W. STEELE.

SALE IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED property Will take good driving horses on name, Sec W. McKee FOR One SALE- new vegetable wagon, cash or pay menta. One nearly new slide trombone. Inquire at office of the Darion Loan Co. room I White block, Marion, India m23dtt FOR lots SALE- West FIVE Third BEAUTIFUL at BUILDING end of.

street, the brick street. For price and terms call ant 211 East Third street SALE CHEAP-MODEL PRINTING outfit Inquire, W. Chronicle office. FOR wards SALE Watches, -DIAMONDS, $6.00 $10.00 and AND upwards. UPGuitars, 04.00.

Opata, etc. Cash or payments. Inquire at the office of the Marion Loan room White block, Marion, Ind. ml0dtt FOR rooms, SALE OR pantry, RENT- large -NEW bath room, HOUSE gas OF and 9 electric lights: good cellar. All modern conveniences.

Hot and cold city and clatera was ter. House baa never been occupted. On Spencer arenue, Inquire of F. M. lIbbard, York Ion.

TOR Club, SALE paid ONE date. SHARE Inquire IN COMMERCIAL Chronicle office. 115dtf and South Meridian strects. D. L.

PAULETTE. 1 1 1 1. TOR BALE A OF INSIDE LAND contalaing shout nine acres: An gant bargaln to the right man. Big money 1p Ita development A. M.

BALDWIN. Real Estate Agent, Court House Basem*nt. ORGANS from NO up, on foetalla ente of 01 a week LEE F. BOYD. FOR LENT.

OUSE TO RENT. -FIVE ROOM HOUSE for small family. at grocery. TURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT-NICE, cool, clean furnished rooms- reasonable. 640 Houth Branson street, corner Sixth.

6t MRS. H. O. South RENT- Washington -HOUSE street, AND near BARN atreet. ON Inquire Mra.

Jobp Irvine, 9th and Washington 1" 110d6t TOR White's REN near ROOM Fourth HOUSE street. ON avenue ernte rent: Immediate possession. Inquire at residence of W. 0. Anderson, 610 Fourth street.

five squares from public square. For RENT -HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS, particulars apply to B. C. Brimacombe, over Gundera' store. 35dtf FOR Good RENT locality.

-A HOUSE Inquire OF of A. SEVEN La Belle. ROOMS. ti FOR Marion. RENT- Inquire COW Frank PASTURE Jones.

IN NORTH. FOR quare, RENT No. LOUSE West CONVENIENT street. TO Nine THE rooms, with gas, well and cistern. Inquire 118 south aide aquare.

TO EXCHANGE. TOTS TO material GIVE or IN for EXCHANGE constructing FOR bouscs. BUILD110d6t PHILADELPHIA LAND CO. WANTED. WANTED bouse -TO la BUY good A SEVEN locality.

OR Call EIGHT 509 South Branson street. See Milner for pumps. Corner of Third and Gallatin. a18d. Union liarber shop.

John W. Long has purchased the barber shop, ander Fulcher's jewelry store, and remoucled it all over. First-class workmen Call and see mo. j15dto Trimmed hats at less than cost. All goods at half price.

Call and see MRA. R. MAAR. Eyesight is priceless. Call at the postoffice and have your Glasses fitted and made to order.

Notico to the Ladies. Como and sco me before you order your carpet weaving this year I would 2, like to have your customs and, will, guarantee satisfaction in -kinds of rag carpet and, rug weaving. Como and see mo early' "and learn' Not in North, but Marion, 21th.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.